What is free diving

Answer to to question regarding what is free diving is that: Free divers descend and ascend with their lungs full of air, without using any artificial breathing apparatus. They use only the skills and techniques that they have learned to conserve oxygen and avoid decompression sickness, also known as “the bends.”

Image: wallpaperaccess.com

Free divers typically dive in open water (oceans, lakes, rivers) and can reach depths of over 100 feet (30 meters).

The history of free diving

Free diving is a sport that is played all over the world. It involves a person holding their breath and diving to depths below the surface of water. The sport has been around for centuries and it has been played in different countries in different ways.

The first records of free diving come from China, where people would go diving to collect pearls and other treasures from the sea floor. These dives were not very deep, but they still took place before the invention of scuba gear. Many people would also practice it in order to get better at swimming and other forms of aquatic sports or competition.

It became popular in Europe during the 19th century when people started traveling around the world more frequently. This led to many new records being set by different people who were trying out different methods for staying underwater for longer periods of time. Some people even used this form of swimming as an alternative method for traveling under water so that they could avoid being attacked by sharks or other predators when they were swimming near shorelines or coastal areas where there might be lots of large fish living near shorelines or coastal areas.

free diving history
Image: bluecornerdive.com/

Types of free diving

The 6 types of free diving are mentioned and explained below in details:

1. Constant weight (CWT)

This type involves dropping into the water from a platform and being pulled back up by a rope attached to one’s waist. The rope length determines how far down you can go. The benefits of constant weight free diving are that it allows you to control your ascent rate and descent rate based on your body’s needs, which can help you avoid decompression sickness

2. Variable Weight Freediving

Variable weight freediving is a type of free diving that uses a weighted belt to help you descend and ascend underwater. The weight is attached to your waist or chest, and you can adjust it as needed to control your depth. This type of freediving is usually done in deep waters, because the added weight makes it easier for you to reach your target depth without passing out from lack of oxygen. It is also easier on your body than constant weight freediving.

3. No limits (NLT):

This type of free diving involves reaching as deep as possible on a single breath without holding your breath or using any type of propulsion device like fins or flippers to help you along your way down deeper into the water below you while still staying within safe limits set forth by each individual competition organizer. Competitions are held all over the world every year, including places like Florida and California!

4. Static Apnea

Static apnea is a type of free diving in which divers hold their breath and remain motionless underwater as long as they can. The goal of static apnea is to maximize the time spent underwater while minimizing the number of breaths taken. It is an endurance sport that requires a great deal of physical fitness and mental focus, because the longer you hold your breath, the more challenging it becomes to stay still and calm.

This type of dive takes more skill than just holding your breath, since you need to be able to focus on staying still for long stretches without tiring out or panicking about running out of oxygen.

5. Dynamic Apnea

Dynamic Apnea is a type in which the diver swims underwater for as long as possible without coming up for air. It is a challenge that requires skill, strength, and endurance—and a willingness to push your body to its limits. It is considered to be one of the most challenging sports on Earth, and it can be practiced in both warm and cold water environments.

Some of the world’s best athletes compete in Dynamic Apnea events, which are held at different depths and distances from shore. The first time a diver completes an event successfully, they earn a medal. Each additional successful completion earns them another medal, but only if they beat their previous time by at least 1%.

6. Free Immersion Freediving

Free immersion freediving is the simplest form of freediving, and it involves no breathing apparatus. The diver simply holds her breath and dives underwater, remaining submerged for as long as she can hold her breath. The athlete will have a safety team on hand to ensure she does not get into trouble while underwater.

If the diver does get into trouble or have difficulty at any point during the dive, her safety team will pull her out of the water and end the dive early.

Free Diving V/S Scuba Diving

What is the difference between free diving and scuba diving?

Free diving and scuba diving are two very different ways of exploring the underwater world. Each has its own set of pros and cons.

Free diving is a sport that involves using breath-hold techniques to dive to depths of up to 100 feet (30 meters). It’s more of a free-form activity that can be done anywhere there’s water, whether it’s in a pool or a lake or the open ocean. The biggest benefit of free diving is that you don’t need any special equipment, like tanks or regulators.

types of freediving

Scuba diving, on the other hand, requires specialized equipment like tanks, regulators and wet suits. Scuba divers use air from these tanks to breathe underwater. Although this equipment does make it easier for people with disabilities or physical conditions to participate in scuba diving activities, it does require additional training before you can head into deep waters safely and responsibly.

Why people free dive?

There are a lot of reasons why people free dive. Some are just looking for something new and exciting, while others are trying to break a record or take part in some sort of competition.

But there is one reason that stands out above the rest: The thrill of being underwater without any help from machines or equipment. It is a feeling like no other, and one that all free divers know only too well.

Today, freediving is still practiced by people who want to explore the ocean in new ways, but it is also become popular among recreational divers who want to see what lies beneath them without having to rely on scuba gear or breathing tubes attached to their mouth and nose.

Training your lungs for free diving

Training your lungs for free diving is a lot like training to be a professional scuba diver. The key to success is consistency and patience.

Diving deep underwater requires a lot of lung capacity, and the more you train, the more your lung capacity will increase, so it is important to start early!

The best way to start building lung capacity is by taking deep breaths. Not only will this help you get used to breathing deeply underwater, but it will also help you become accustomed to holding your breath longer. When you are ready for the next step, try holding your breath while walking around or doing some light activity (like gardening) until you start feeling lightheaded. Once this happens, take another deep breath and repeat until it becomes easier for you to hold your breath longer than before.

Your body will eventually adapt to these exercises over time and your lung capacity will increase significantly!


It is a great way to explore the depths of the ocean without using any scuba equipment. Not only is it an activity that is exhilarating and beautiful, but it also has some surprising health benefits!

1. Increase your lung capacity:

When you do more free diving, your lungs get stronger and can hold more air. The more air that you can hold in your lungs, the longer you will be able to spend underwater without needing to come up for air.

2. Improve your cardiovascular fitness:

In order to free dive or scuba dive safely, you need a good amount of stamina and endurance. By practicing regularly, you will build up your lung capacity which means that it will be easier for you to stay active during other physical activities throughout the day!

3. Sleep better at night:

If you are someone who struggles with insomnia or always feels tired during the day because of how much sleep you get overnight then this one is for you! It can help improve sleep quality because it increases oxygen levels in blood circulation which helps improve overall well-being by stimulating brain activity while still being physically active enough so that muscles don’t suffer from lack of blood flow.

2 persons free diving
Image: Oceantigers.com

How do I start free diving?

If you want to start free diving, the first thing you will need to do is find a good place to practice.

You don’t need any special equipment, but if you are going to be doing it in the ocean, it’s probably a good idea to have some kind of flotation device on hand just in case something goes wrong.

The best way to learn how to free dive is by getting in the water and trying it out. It is not as hard as it sounds just go in up past your head, hold your breath and then push yourself down until water covers your mouth and nose. When you can not hold your breath anymore, just let go of the water and rise back up again!

If this sounds like something you will like to try out yourself, go ahead and give it a shot! You might even find that it is one of the most relaxing things you have ever done!

What is the free diving record?

The free diving record is the greatest distance that any person has ever traveled on a single breath of air. The current record is held by Herbert Nitsch, who dove to 253.2 meters (831 feet) in 2011. The first recorded free dive (as per wikipedia) was by Charles William Beebe in 1930, who reached a depth of 178 meters.

Free diving record holder Herbert Nitsch
Image: Wikipedia

The risks of free diving?

The risks involved with free diving and scuba diving include:

1. Dehydration:

It is common for people who practice this sport to become dehydrated, which can lead to heat exhaustion or even death if left untreated. Dehydration can also lead to muscle cramps, which can be very painful and dangerous for divers when they are underwater.

2. Hyperventilation:

Hyperventilation occurs when you breathe too quickly or deeply before a dive, which lowers the amount of oxygen that is available in your body. This can cause dizziness and shortness of breath during your dive, or even make it impossible for you to complete it.

3. Hypercapnia:

Hypercapnia is caused by a lack of oxygen in your blood stream, which results in high carbon dioxide levels in the blood stream (as well as other symptoms). If these levels are high enough, they could result in unconsciousness


In last, we would like to give you some tips before free diving which will help you to make your experience better:

First of all, it is important to know about your body. If you have any medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or nursing, it is probably not a good idea to free dive as much as you want to. You should also make sure that you are in good shape before starting free diving. It is easy for people who aren’t used to being underwater for long periods of time to get tired quickly and become lightheaded or dizzy.

a person doing free dive with a rope
Image: oceanbluex.com

Second, when you are free diving, be aware of how much time has passed since your last breath if you have been holding your breath for too long without taking a break, you could get sick or pass out! It is important to watch out for signs like feeling lightheaded or dizzy, nausea or vomiting, confusion, headaches and chest pain. If any of these things happen while you are underwater (or even right after), come up immediately and seek medical care right away!

Finally, wear sunscreen! Even though it might seem like there is not much sun.


In conclusion, free diving is an exciting pastime that simultaneously allows you to explore the deep ocean, while pushing your mind and body closer to their limits. If you are up for an exciting and unique adventure, I would recommend either giving this a try or looking into scuba diving.