Can you scuba dive with high blood pressure?
Can you scuba dive with high blood pressure? The answer is yes, but there are some things you need to know first.
If you have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, you may be wondering if you can still enjoy the underwater world through scuba diving. The good news is that you can! However, there are a few things you need to take into consideration before taking the plunge.
Your blood pressure should be under control and at a stable level before going. You will also need to get a clearance from your doctor, as well as have your blood pressure checked by a certified dive instructor prior to diving.
When diving, it is important to monitor your blood pressure closely. If you start to feel lightheaded or dizzy, it is important to surface immediately and seek medical help.
With proper preparation and monitoring, diving with high blood pressure is perfectly safe and can be a great way to enjoy the underwater world!
Scuba Diving with High Blood Pressure
If your blood pressure is well controlled with medication, or if it’s not related to a serious medical condition, you may be able to dive safely. Some people with chronic high blood pressure may need to take precautions before diving.
Diving can put additional stress on the body. When your body is under stress, hormones are released that can raise your blood pressure plus you are wearing a wetsuit and other equipment like Apeks VX1 Mask and Cressi Frog Plus Fins. This reaction is more pronounced when you’re underwater and breathing compressed air. If you’re taking medications for high blood pressure, they’re generally designed to counteract this effect.
High blood pressure can cause complications while diving, such as:
- Tendency to develop gas bubbles in the bloodstream (decompression sickness)
- Increased risk of bleeding from the ears, sinuses or lungs
- Possible risk of stroke or heart attack
Severe Conditions
You have high blood pressure, but you want to go scuba diving. Is this a wise plan? This is a question that comes up often enough that it’s worth tackling here.
First of all, the risks of diving for the average person with high blood pressure are very low. If you’ve been following your doctor’s treatment plan and keeping your blood pressure under control, then there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to dive safely.
However, if diving causes a significant increase in your blood pressure, then it may not be safe for you to dive. This is because bursts of high blood pressure can damage the walls of the arteries and heart. Such damage can lead to dangerous conditions such as aneurysms or heart attacks.
If you have high blood pressure but want to go scuba diving, then you should first discuss the matter with your doctor. If your doctor approves, then the next step is to get a medical clearance from a qualified diving physician who can perform tests to determine whether or not your blood pressure will rise significantly when you dive.
Blood Pressure and Scuba Diving
It is widely understood that increased pressure can cause a significant reduction in blood volume. The increase in pressure compresses the blood vessels, which consequently reduces blood flow. As a result, the heart must pump faster and harder to pump enough blood through the body. This is especially true for divers with pre-existing medical conditions. Diving places additional strain on the circulatory system and is not recommended for people with a history of cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure.
Pre-existing Medical Conditions:
Many factors can affect whether or not you should dive if you have high blood pressure. For instance, if you have an elevated diastolic pressure (the bottom number) it may be safer to dive than if your systolic pressure (the top number) is elevated. If your blood pressure has been well controlled with medication, and is close to normal, diving may be possible as long as you can complete a dive physical with a licensed physician. However, even if your blood pressure is close to normal, diving requires more exertion than most activities and can place additional stress on the heart. Therefore, it’s important to work closely with your physician when deciding whether or not diving is safe for you.
While scuba diving may not be recommended for everyone with high blood pressure, there are some cases where it is safe to dive with this condition. If you have well-controlled blood pressure and are generally healthy, your doctor may give you the green light to dive. In addition, if you take medication to control your blood pressure, your doctor will need to make sure that it is safe for you to dive while taking this medication. Also you need to learn scuba dive for this. It is also important to check with your diving insurance company to make sure that you are covered in case of any problems that may occur while diving.
If you have high blood pressure and want to try scuba diving, the best way to do so is to talk to your doctor and find a reputable dive center that can cater to your needs. With proper precautions and medical clearance, scuba diving can be a safe and enjoyable activity for people with high blood pressure.