How to get rid of blocked ears after diving
If you have recently gone for a scuba diving session and had difficulty with your ears getting blocked up this article is for you. What causes the blocked ear in the first place? Does anything in particular increase our susceptibility to getting blocked ears when we dive? And most importantly how to get rid of blocked ears after diving.
Learn the most effective way on how to get rid of blocked ears after diving ! Keeping your ears open underwater and when decompressing is important to avoid ear pain, damage and ear infections. In this article I will teach you the exact steps you need to follow in order to get rid of painful and blocked ears.
Things to do when your ears get blocked after scuba diving
It is totally normal to experience some discomfort after diving, and it is also totally normal for your ears to feel a little bit blocked. But if you are experiencing pain in or around your ears or if they are feeling really full and hard to pop, there are a few things you can do to try to alleviate the issue:
1. Stay calm
This is the most important step! If you panic, your body will start to release adrenaline, which will only make things worse.It is natural to be worried about your hearing, but panicking will nott help anything. Take a deep breath and try to relax.
2. Wait for some time
If you have been diving for just a short period of time and have mild discomfort, waiting a few minutes may do the trick. Your ears will naturally open themselves up as the pressure around them is equalized with the pressure outside of them. This process can take anywhere from five minutes to an hour or more depending on how deep you went while diving (the deeper you went, the longer it will take). If this does not work, move on down below!
3. Try yawning
Try yawning. Yawning will help open up your Eustachian tubes which are the passageways that connect your nose and ears and help clear out any water that’s in them.
Hearing Eustachian tube first time? well these tubes are one of the most important parts of the ear and are responsible for equalizing pressure. They open up when we are scuba diving or swimming in water to allow air to flow into our ears. But when we dive, we submerge much more quickly than the time it would take for our ears to naturally fill with air through the Eustachian tubes. This can cause a painful sensation called “squeezed” or “blocked” ears. It is best to learn how to get rid of blocked ears after diving before you have them on your next dive trip!
4. Chewing gum
Chewing gum is probably one of the most common remedies for those with blocked ears, but it really works. It causes your jaw muscles to move around in a way that helps push all that water out of your ear canal, which reduces the need for any other treatment methods. Just chew slowly and steadily until you feel the pressure in your ear start to subside. If you want to do this method at home without having to go out and buy some bubble gums, try chewing on anything hard like pencil erasers or dried apricots (if you have them).
5. Hold your nose and blow
Hold your nose and blow hard. This will help to get the water out of your ears more quickly and reduce any pain or discomfort you may be experiencing. If this does not work for you, try following it up with a few gentle taps on each ear. These gentle taps will help to loosen up any water that is still stuck in there, which should make it easier for you to remove it yourself. This will clear your ears after diving. You will hear a pop out sound too,
6. Use steam to unblock your ears
This is simple, get a bowl of hot water and place your head over it, allowing the steam to enter your ears. You may have to do this multiple times until your ears are clear, but the process should help loosen up any wax that may be blocking them.
If that does not work, try using ear drops to unclog them. You can buy these at any drugstore. They usually come in small vials, so keep one in your dive bag for emergencies!
7. Use Nasal Spray
Nasal spray is a great way to get rid of blocked ears after diving. To use it, simply tilt your head back and squeeze a small amount into one nostril. Then tilt your head forward and let the liquid drain into the other nostril. Repeat this process until you can hear again.
If your ears are still blocked and painful even after using a nasal spray, it is possible that you have an ear infection. This is usually caused by bacteria entering your ear canal, but it can also be caused by an allergy.
8. Use Ear Drops
Ear drops can be a great way to get rid of blocked ears after diving. You can use ear drops or other products to reduce inflammation and allow fluid drainage in your ears. They soften the wax in your ears, making it easier for it to drain out naturally. You can buy these drops at any pharmacy or online. Just be sure to follow the directions on the package carefully, and do not use them too frequently as they can cause irritation or damage to your eardrums if used incorrectly!. If you have a serious case of blocked ears, you may need antibiotics or other medication, but generally speaking, ears should clear up within 24 hours if you follow these steps.
9. A doctor can help you
If you have tried all these steps and still can not unblock your ears, a doctor can help you. It is important to see a doctor right away. The doctor will be able to examine your ears and determine the cause of the blockage. If you experience any hearing loss or pain in your ear, you should seek medical attention immediately.
A doctor will be able to examine your ears and check for signs of injury or infection. If necessary, they can prescribe medication to help with the pain or discomfort you are experiencing. The ringing in the ears should go away on its own within a few days (though this may take longer if there is more severe damage).
Hopefully, this post has given you some tips for how to get rid of blocked ears after diving, as well as what to do if it does happen. So the next time you go diving, do not be afraid to get your head wet. Just make sure that you do not dive too deep and stay aware of your environment.