Can scuba diving make you sick?
Scuba diving is an exciting sport that allows you to explore the ocean at depths and under conditions that would be impossible to achieve on your own. But the number of people scuba diving is increasing and not all divers have experience or training. That’s why some people who want to scuba dive may need to get special training before they take the plunge. So, Can you get sick after scuba diving?
The increase in scuba diving
Thanks to the increasing popularity of scuba diving, there’s been more research into the risks of contracting illnesses from the water. The number of people who have taken up scuba diving has increased over time, and this is good news for health researchers. Now that there are more divers out in the water, doctors and scientists can study specific symptoms and patterns among divers—and they’ve discovered that some kinds of illnesses can be linked to certain behaviors or factors related to underwater breathing gear.
People who want to scuba dive may need to get special training
If you’re interested in diving, the first thing you’ll need to do is get training from a certified instructor. This is because without proper training and practice, it’s easy to make mistakes underwater that could lead to serious injuries or even death. When learning how to dive safely, students are taught how to use scuba gear, underwater navigation and emergency procedures.
People who scuba dive are at risk for several potentially serious health problems
As scuba diving is becoming more popular, more divers are at risk for potentially serious health problems. The number of people who scuba dive is increasing at a rate of around 4% each year. Scuba divers are at risk for several potentially serious health problems:
- Decompression sickness (DCS) occurs when gas bubbles form in the body after a dive due to excess nitrogen being absorbed into the bloodstream. The symptoms include joint pain and muscle aches, which can be treated with rest and analgesics.
- Carbon dioxide poisoning occurs when an insufficient supply of oxygen causes confusion and nausea during a dive; it can lead to blackouts if left untreated. Symptoms include difficulty breathing or increased respiratory rate; treatment includes administering oxygen under pressure so that carbon dioxide may be expelled from the body through exhaled breaths.
- Tear in inner lining of lung (pneumothorax) may result from damage done by compressed air in lungs during ascent after deep dives—symptoms include chest pain near where two ribs meet sternum; treatment involves using needles to drain air from space between lung wall and chest wall until pain goes away
Decompression sickness
Decompression sickness is a type of injury that occurs when the body is exposed to a change in pressure. It can occur during scuba diving, air travel and while mountain climbing. Divers are at risk when they ascend from deeper depths too quickly, or when they remain at the same depth for an extended period of time.
Decompression sickness symptoms include:
- Nausea or vomiting
- Joint pain
- Severe muscle pain
Carbon dioxide poisoning
When you breathe out, you exhale carbon dioxide (CO2). Your body produces CO2 when the food you eat breaks down. This is one of the ways your body gets rid of waste. A high level of CO2 in your blood can make it harder for your cells to absorb oxygen, which means that less oxygen gets into your bloodstream. This can cause headaches and nausea as well as other problems like confusion or even unconsciousness if left untreated.
Tear in the inner lining of the lung
The tear is most often caused by a deep inhalation of water into the lungs. This can happen during scuba diving, but it can also occur in other ways. For example, if you were to accidentally swallow even a small amount of water while swimming or playing in the pool, that water could enter your nose and then travel down into your windpipe and lungs. A tear in the inner lining of the lung would result.
Tears are not always painful right away; many people don’t feel any symptoms at all until days later when they begin to experience shortness of breath and chest pain that worsens with activity such as walking up stairs or exercising too much too quickly. In some cases there may be no pain at all until surgery is needed to repair damage done by infection following initial injury from swallowing or aspirating water into your lungs without realizing it was happening immediately afterwards!
Nitrogen narcosis
It is a condition that can affect divers when they breathe air at depths of about 30 feet (10 meters) or more. Nitrogen is an inert gas, but it’s not without problems: the deeper you go, the more nitrogen your body absorbs from breathing compressed air. At depth, this added nitrogen becomes a narcotic—a substance that changes how you think and reason. You may notice that you get clumsy and forgetful, but most people find themselves feeling euphoric instead of sick as their reasoning abilities get impaired by nitrogen.
The effect of nitrogen narcosis reverses itself when you surface; however, if you don’t plan on ascending all at once and are coming up in stages (which some recreational divers do), there will be times when both your body and mind experience these effects again as they adjust to increasingly lower pressure environments.
Because of its potential impact on judgement while diving—including poor decision-making skills—many agencies require all recreational scuba divers to follow dive tables or use dive computers instead of relying solely on their personal gauges for depth information during their dives (which could cause them to miss out on important safety precautions).
Ear and sinus barotrauma
Barotrauma is damage to the body caused by pressure changes. It can occur in any part of your body, but it’s most common in your ears and sinuses.
When you’re scuba diving, you have to wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth—but not the eyes. This lets you breathe through an air tank while keeping water out of your lungs (which would cause drowning). To equalize this change in pressure, you must breathe from one nostril while you hold your breath as long as possible with both nostrils closed off. If this doesn’t work, then it can cause barotrauma:
A serious lung infection caused by bacteria known as legionella pneumophila, which is found in water
If your ears got blocked or you’ve had an ear infection, you can probably relate to what it feels like to breathe in a little bit of water. When your body is trying to flush out the germs that caused your earache, it feels like there’s a hole in the side of your head and everything feels like it’s going down the drain. Well imagine that feeling times ten when you have an infection in your lungs.
It’s called Legionnaires’ disease and while not everyone who gets sick from this bacteria will experience this type of reaction, those who do could be at risk for pneumonia as well as other complications such as lung failure or even death if left untreated.
Shallow water blackout
Shallow water blackout is a loss of consciousness caused by a lack of oxygen in the body. This can happen when you’re under the water and struggling to breathe, or it can happen if you take on too much nitrogen in your system.
Scuba diving is an exciting sport, but it can make you sick.
Scuba diving is an exciting sport that you can enjoy on your own or with a group of friends. But there are some health risks involved with scuba diving, so it’s important to know what they are in order to stay safe and healthy on your next scuba adventure.
- Scuba diving is dangerous. You could drown if something goes wrong underwater. For example, if you get tangled up in your equipment or lose control while swimming through currents or waves, you could end up unable to breathe and have trouble getting back to the surface before blacking out completely.
- Scuba diving can be expensive. Beyond paying for all the gear needed for this activity (including tanks of oxygen), many people also dive on vacation packages where their accommodation and meals are included in their package price; these additional expenses can quickly add up!
- Scuba diving can be uncomfortable for some people because many types of wetsuits don’t breathe very well so sweat builds up underneath them quickly when it gets warm outside—sometimes resulting in heat exhaustion during hot months such as summertime where temperatures might reach over 100 degrees Fahrenheit!
Scuba diving is an exciting sport that can help you explore the world below the surface. However, there are some risks associated with this activity. The best way to protect yourself from these dangers is by making sure you have proper training before getting into any kind of water environment. If you feel dizzy or nauseous while scuba diving, contact your instructor immediately so they can help you get out safely!