7 Days Of My Coast Guard Approved Unlimited Fun Underwater
I’m a Coast Guard-approved diver, and I like to think of myself as an underwater adventurer. My days are spent diving, exploring, and photographing the underwater world. These days can be long and tiring, but they’re also filled with so much fun that it’s hard to believe they are part of my job description! Let me show you what I mean by taking you through each day of my dive week
Day One-My First Dive
You are in the water for scuba diving. You look up and see your instructor smiling down at you. Your heart rate is already rising, but it’s not from fear or adrenaline; it’s because of how excited you are for this experience! As soon as they signal that it’s time to go, take your first step into the ocean and breathe in all the fresh air before descending into a world of endless possibilities.
Your instructor will guide you through every step of your dive while pointing out various sea creatures and other sights along the way. It can be hard to keep track of everything with so many things going on around you, but try not to get overwhelmed by all those things happening around your body; just relax, enjoy what’s happening right now without any expectations about what might happen next!
Day Two-Night Dive
Night diving is a lot of fun. It’s more challenging, more dangerous, and definitely more rewarding. Night diving can be an exciting adventure, or relaxing and peaceful, depending on what you are looking for in your dive.
It is beautiful in its own way. The sparkling reflections and colors can be breathtaking when seen from below the surface at night. I love to see all the fish swimming around me with their bright lights shining through their bodies!
Day Three-Shoreline Dive
- Shoreline diving is diving from a beach. This requires an open water dive certification, and you’ll need to have your dive flag handy. You should also make sure that it’s legal to shore dive before getting into the water.
- Your buddy should be someone who knows how to swim and can help in case of an emergency, so don’t leave this position empty!
- It’s very important that you follow all rules when it comes to shorline diving; stick with them like glue! For example: if you’re going to be shore diving, make sure that the area where you’ll be swimming has been deemed safe by officials or local authorities—if not, then maybe reconsider going out there altogether (or just stick close enough so as not cause any problems).
Day Four-Underwater Photography
Not only do you get to experience the sights, sounds and smells of being underwater, but you also get to bring home memories with you. This is where a good underwater camera comes in handy! You can capture all of those beautiful moments on film so that when you are back on dry land, you can relive them again and again.
A good camera for underwater photography should have a built-in flash for low light conditions and an auto focus feature so that once it is activated it will stay focused on your subject as long as possible (this can be up to 30 feet away). The best cameras are waterproof up to 50ft deep and come with either an external or internal lens cap. The external lens cap needs some type of sealant around its rim so any water leakage does not affect the quality of your photo; this is called “O-ring” technology which uses rubber seals between glass surfaces to prevent liquid seepage into inner workings. An example of this type would be Olympus TG-5 or Nikon AW130/AW120 systems both priced under $500 dollars!
Day Five-Dive With Your Partner
If you’re not already certified, I recommend going through the Open Water Diver course together. It’s a great way to share your passion with each other and get started on becoming familiar with your equipment before beginning any sort of underwater exploration.
Once you’ve completed this course, make sure that both partners are comfortable in the water before taking it further. This means that if either of you gets nervous or claustrophobic while wearing a tank and regulator, then it’s probably best not to take any additional diving courses until that is fixed.
You should also review how to use each piece of equipment separately (regulator vs regulator hose) so that if one person loses their mask during an emergency situation (which happens more often than you would think), they’ll have time to retrieve another mask from their buddy tank instead of panicking about where theirs went!
Day Six-Diving With Your Friends
On your sixth day of diving you’ll be practicing the buddy system. You will have to have someone diving with you at all times and make sure that they are paying attention to their depth, air supply and time in the water.
If there are any issues that arise out of your dive you need to know what to do immediately. If something does go wrong then it’s essential that everyone knows how to get themselves out of trouble before help arrives because most people don’t realize how quickly things can go wrong underwater.
Day Seven-Exploring The Underwater World
Day seven is all about exploring the underwater world. You will learn about the ocean, marine life and other topics that are related to the environment.
Discover how important it is to explore the underwater world because there are many amazing things that you can see while diving down deep into your water adventure.
You will also discover how important it is for us humans to protect our oceans so we can continue enjoying their beauty for generations to come!
Fun underwater diving is approved by the Coast Guard as long as safety regulations are followed.
- Safety first.
- The Coast Guard is a good example of safety regulations.
- Having fun underwater is approved by the Coast Guard as long as safety regulations are followed.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride through my week of diving. I had a great time, and I think you would too! If you have any questions about diving or other activities approved by the Coast Guard, please contact us on our website.