How many calories does scuba diving burn?
The answer to the question of how many calories does scuba diving burn depends on a lot of factors. For example: How much heavy gear are you wearing? How long do you spend diving? Do you maintain a neutral buoyancy or swim with fins? If these variables change, the number of calories burned during scuba diving can increase dramatically!
The answer depends on a lot of factors
There is no set value for how many calories you will burn while scuba diving. A few factors determine how much energy your body uses while diving, and they include:
- Your weight
- Your fitness level (how often you work out)
- The amount of heavy gear that you wear during the dive and how long it takes to put on or take off
- The length of your dive, including surface interval time spent preparing for and recovering from the dive
- How often/frequently you dive in total (even with breaks between dives)
Your weight will affect how many calories are burned
Your weight will affect how many calories you burn while scuba diving. The more you weigh, the more calories you’ll burn. This is because when you go on a dive, your body has to work harder to stay submerged in water and keep its position stable. The less you weigh, the less energy your body uses up staying at that depth. When we consider how much caloric energy (or “calories”) we use when doing something like scuba diving or swimming, it’s important to know how much extra effort is being exerted by our bodies just to exist at a certain depth or under different conditions such as colder temperatures.
Your physical fitness will make a difference in how many calories you burn
When considering how many calories you burn in scuba diving, it’s important to remember that your physical fitness will make a difference. In other words, if you’re more fit than someone else, they may burn fewer calories than you while doing the same activity.
This is especially true for divers who are also swimmers or runners and have developed their endurance through regular exercise. For example, a person who regularly practices swimming may be prepared to work harder underwater than someone who has never even been in a pool before going scuba diving and thus burns more calories during each dive.
However, even if you’re not an avid swimmer or runner, it’s still possible for anyone to improve their fitness level with regular exercise and healthy dieting choices like eating healthier foods and drinking plenty of water throughout the day (which can reduce bloating).
How much heavy gear you are wearing will influence the calories burned
It makes sense that the more weight you carry, the more calories you will burn. But it’s not just the extra weight that matters—it’s also how much time you spend wearing heavy gear. If your diving is short and sweet, like a surface interval between dives or technical dive training exercises where you don’t carry any tanks or other equipment, then this doesn’t matter as much because it won’t affect your total calorie burn for the day by as much. In contrast, if you’re going on an extended dive trip where every day of diving involves carrying heavy tanks around on your back (or in another configuration), then these activities will add up quickly!
The more time you spend diving, the more calories you’ll burn
The longer you’re underwater, the more calories you’ll burn. Diving for five minutes will burn about 60 calories; 10 minutes yields about 120.
One way to increase your calorie burn is to go deeper into the water. The deeper you dive, the more pressure compresses your body and the harder it is for your lungs and heart to function properly—but they still have to do their jobs! This means that more energy is needed just to stay alive under these conditions. So if you plan on taking longer dives (and thus burning more calories), make sure that there are no issues with diving at a shallower depth first before attempting longer ones.
Maintaining a neutral buoyancy is an exercise in itself
When you’re in the water, gravity is working against you—you’ve got to fight against it or you’ll sink. But if you’re properly trained and experienced, maintaining neutral buoyancy is an exercise in itself.
- Maintaining a neutral buoyancy is an exercise in itself.
- You have to know how much air is inside your regulator and how much weight (if any) is on your dive belt.
- If there’s not enough air inside the regulator, it’ll be harder for you to breath at depth because there will be less pressure pushing on your body from above to keep it compressed; this makes for an uncomfortable experience both underwater and on land when trying to breathe normally again after ascending from depth.
Swimming with fins can burn a lot of calories
Swimming with fins can burn a lot of calories. While swimming is already a great exercise, adding flippers to the mix increases the energy cost of swimming by about 25 percent. That’s because they increase drag and make your body have to work harder against it, which means you burn more calories. Swimming with fins is good for your health as well; studies show that using them for aerobic training can help strengthen muscles in the lower body and improve coordination.
Fins can also be used to increase speed or distance if you practice enough—but don’t expect miracles from one session!
Scuba diving does take a lot of energy and it does burn calories but not as much as you might hope
- How many calories does scuba diving burn?
- How many calories does scuba diving burn for a beginner?
- How many calories does scuba diving burn for a professional?
- How many calories does scuba diving burn for a novice?
Conclusion: How many calories does scuba diving burn?
Scuba diving is a great way to stay in shape, but it is not the most efficient at burning calories. If you want to burn as many calories as possible when scuba diving, make sure you are doing the exercises above and wearing heavy gear!